Ever wonder how often you should wash your leggings, sweaters, winter wear?
I know we all hate doing the laundry and want our clothing to last longer so sometimes we don't wash clothing as often as we need to...
And another thing, why does everything say "hand wash only"? No one is really going to hand wash all their clothing {{who has time for that!}} No worries here! All the staples at Lyn-Maree's have been seriously tested by Emma herself {who is a terrible laundress, so if she hasn't ruined it, you should be just fine}. My biggest tip for everything is Garment Bag - Cold Water - Gentle Cycle - Hang or Lay Flat to Dry
So after some research {and what I personally do} here is what I have found.
Leggings/Yoga Pants - Every 2 wears
*Unless you worked out in them, then ONE wear, putting on clothing you have previously sweated in can clog your pores with your own bacteria {{yuck}}
How to Wash - gentle cycle, cold water, and hang dry {if they are a nicer material you can pop in the dryer for a few minutes on de-wrinkle *NIKIBIKI can be dried for a few minutes no problem}
Scarves - 4 times a season
{Of course this may depend on how often you wear them.}
How to Wash - place your scarf is in a garment bag, gentle cycle, cold water, and lay flat to dry, do not wring them out {as long as the scarf is not wool you should be able to pop it in the dryer on de-wrinkled for a few minutes then lay flat to dry}
Hats - 2-4 a season
Assuming your hat didn't get all kinds of sweaty, once a month of wear should be fine.
How to Wash - Knit/Crochet hat - wash on the gentle cycle, cold water, lay flat to dry, do not wring them out.
Cloche or felt {formed hats} - not really washable. Use Down dish soap and cool water to spot clean and use a Lysol to de-germ the interior of the hat {especially where it touches your head}.
Slip Dresses/Slip Skirts - Every 2-4 wears
This definitely depends on the season. During the winter because I wear my Nikibiki long sleeve and leggings under my slip dress its not touching my skin at all, so it does not need washed as frequently. During the summer I wash mine much more frequently because it is touching my skin and {lets be real} it's hot people sweat.
How to Wash - place it in a garment bag, gentle cycle, cold water, hand to dry {I like to shake all the wrinkles out and make sure all the lace is laying down nicely too before hanging it up to dry}
Faux Fur {scarves/vests/stoles/etc} - 1-2 times per season
I always try and make sure to wear something under my furs {real or faux - real fur is never suppose to touch your skin because of your oils, always have a silk scarf on hand to wear under it} and if I know I am going somewhere smokey/greasy/campfire/smelly/etc I simply don't wear it.
How to Wash {FAUX Fur} - Gentle cycle, cold water, hand or lay flat to dry, if it seeds a little fluffing stick in the dryer on LOW Hear for a few minutes} *I am not a "hand washer", so for more details on hand washing or even fixing up some of your faux fur check out the link below*
Don't have a garment bag? WHAT! These little babies are a must for making your clothing last longer. I got mine for maybe $1 or $2 at Walmart by the laundry totes but here is a link for on on Amazon too if you just want it to show up at your house {go for the ones with a zipper, not drawl string} https://www.amazon.com/Laundry-Lingerie-Bags-Multi-Size-Underwear/dp/B010RD0VZI/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1483985805&sr=8-6&keywords=laundry+garment+bag.
Lyn-Maree's Boutique
209 N Main St. Auburn, IN 46706
Check out the full list and details from my sources:
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