I have been looking for great fashion tips to use to blog about this week. I have discovered that most websites are for college age girls! I'm thinking ,"wait a minute..." What about young career women and young moms. Hey they need help sometimes too, after all college girls already have the fashion thing down anyway, right? I also believe that young career women have a real dilemma, do they continue to dress like they did in college or go way conservative. Then you have the young mom that is running around in yoga pants and t-shirts, hair in a ponytail and a baseball cap. There seems like no time for mom. This makes moms loose their identity. So by following samples of the looks of your favorite celebrity , you can copy the LOOK, not the outfit and accessories. This s where the "you" comes into it. Young career women, watch actress on tv series to see what they are wearing, like 30 Rock, for example. Find a look you like and then with inspirations you can make your own individual look.
You will find that you discover a look you like over and over then realize more of what your style actually is. Use pintrest to save inspiration photos, collect them for a few days and then go back and look at them, you'll see a pattern. There is your style! Now your ready to make it your own, which is the important part! You do not want to be a copy cat, that is just lazy and way expensive.
Shop your closet! But start with what you have you'll be surprised. Organize your closet, start left to right, start with tops,pick what color you wear the least to the color you wear the most. Do the same when you get to skirts,pants,and jeans. Separate suit pieces, hang the tops with tops of the same color, bottoms with other bottoms of the same color as well. Use this plan with scarves and the best you can with accessories. I do my jewelry by style not color. After all, it's a look I'm going for not a color scheme.
Shop for some new accessories to freshen up those newly configured outfits! By adding the least expensive part of your outfit (accessories) you can save a bundle while individualizing it to reflect YOU! Make it you by adding earrings that remind you of that style you saved on Pintrest. Add some bangles that you find interesting, remember you are being individual. You will look like a million, feel like a million, and... Still have money in your pocket, you may have to pick up some scarves, some jackets or sweaters but you probably have everything you need in your closet. Try this method and I think you will be surprised. Bring your pieces in and we can show you how all this works! Where else can you find this service for free? You've got to at least try this, what have you got to loose?
Don't forget to leave a comment about what you woul dlike to see blogged about next!
And always remeber to Stay Fabulous!
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